Supply List
"Afternoon Tea" will be a fun-filled two hours of brushstroke by brushstroke instruction with Debra Huse!
Learn how to hold your brush and what brush to use when.
Learn how to start a painting and how to finish with juicy, thick paint! There will be a short artist stretch session at half-time.
Expect to get a great little painting you can keep, gift, or sell!
Visit to order paint or brushes :-)
To prep for our Paint Parties, Debra's recommended palette includes Da Vinci oil colors such as Cadmium Lemon Yellow, Quinacridone Red, Raw Sienna warm, Alizarin Permanent Deep, Ultramarine Blue, Viridian, Paynes Grey, and Titanium White.
Huse Hues Marine Violet, Anchor Green, and Signal Flag Red Oil Paint. Debra Huse Basic Brush Set includes long flats, sizes 2, 4, 6 and short flats 4 & 6. A rigger or script brush.
Optional colors include Gamblin Warm and Cool Grey, also Portland Dark Medium and Light Grey. These can all be mixed from our basic colors and are simply for convenience.
In addition to paint, participants will need Gamblin Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits or oil for cleaning brushes, a metal or glass brush washer container, a small palette knife (1"), an easel, and a paint palette.
Debra also recommends using linen panels instead of canvas panels for a better primed surface. Recommended panel brands include Raymar, Multimedia or Fredrix.
Debra uses #13 Claussens Linen Panels. The linen will not soak up the oil in the paint like canvas panels will. The linen is also more slippery and will not grab at your brushes so much. Linen panels can also be purchased at
Debra recommends the Debra Huse Signature Blue Edge Pro easel box, available at
Additional supplies for the workshop include tissue (preferably tissue with lotion for cleaning brushes) and Clorox wipes for cleaning hands and palette.
Or use what you have on hand that is similar. :-)